shortly they came up to a group of old men taking palmwine.“There," said one of them, "take a look at that old fool riding a woman on his donkey while he goes on foot.
What regard is shown to men in these days? ."Upon hearing this, the old man stupidly made his wife dismount, and got up himself.
They had not walked a stone throw from the last scene when they met a company of women and children making mockery. "Why, you shameless lazy old fellow,"cried several tongues at once, "how can you ride upon the beast, while that poor old woman go on foot by the side of you?” The good-nature Miller immediately took up his wife behind him.
As both of them ride on the ass with their load on it, another group waylay and said
"how on earth we human are so inconsiderate, can't one of you ride on foot to reduce the burden for this animal? the old man,upon hearing this vexed and ignored, he made the best of his way home, convinced that after all by endeavoring to please everybody he had pleased nobody.
if you try to please every one, you end up pleasing no one.
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