An Eagle was chasing a hare,
which was running for it dear life and

whenever the Eagle
laid an egg, the beetle climb up to where the egg is and rolled it out of the nest and
broke it.
At last the Eagle got so
worried over the loss of her eggs that she went up to Jupiter, who is
the special protector of Eagles, and begged him to give her a safe
place to nest in; so he let her lay her eggs in his lap. But the
Beetle noticed this and made a ball of dirt the size of an Eagle's
egg, and flew up and deposited it in Jupiter's lap. When Jupiter
saw the dirt, he stood up to shake it out of his robe, and,
forgetting about the eggs, he shook them
out too, and they were broken
just as before.
Ever since then, they say,
Eagles never lay their eggs at the
season when Beetles are about.
Moral lesson
Always be mindful of how you treat others, you may have all it takes to win the war but do have a rethink because sometimes even the weakest may find means to avenge a wrong.
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