A shepherd had a wolf and equally a flock of sheep.The wolf tend to prowl around the flock of Sheep for the wrong motive of which the shepherd knew, but watched very anxiously to prevent him from carrying off a Lamb.The wolf having known he was under a watch did not try to do any harm.
Instead he seemed to be helping the Shepherd take care of the Sheep. At last the Shepherd got so used to seeing the Wolf about that he forgot how wicked he could be.
One day he decided to leave the flock in the care of the wolf as there's no maturity in a sheep that excuses him from having a shepherd, and went very far.
Coming back home he saw how many of the flock had been killed and carried off, and realized how foolish he was to have trusted his flock to a weird wolf. he regretted his act and bit his finger.
Always be careful and watchful before delegating your task. do it wisely and only to people you trust.
Don't assume everyone around you are friends-assumption is the mother of destruction.
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