long long ago lived a king called Midas.He was a very wealthy
personality and tends to had more gold than anyone in the world. He stored up golden coins in huge vaults underneath his palace and spent many hours
each day, handling and counting his treasure.
But no matter how much gold Uncle Midas possessed, he was never contented. He always wanted more gold as he spent much of his time
dreaming about how to obtain still more of it.
Just by surprise,one day, he attracted his crave; a being dressed in white apparel
appeared to Midas and granted him a wish. King Midas unhesitating, wishes for the
“golden touch”- that everything he touched would turn to gold. And the deal was sealed.
The next morning when Midas woke up from his bed, he found
that his plain linen bed covers had been transformed into a finely spun gold! He
gasped in astonishment and jumped out of his bed. Then he touched the bed and
it turned to gold. ‘Its true” he muttered in his confused state ‘I have the
golden touch”
He rushed through the palace, brushing against walls and
crafted furniture’s, all of which turned gold at his touch. Out to his garden,
he went from one flower to another, trees and even his pets and other animal creatures
touching and smiling as they turned gold.